Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Things I have learned this past week...

1. A 3 month old can go 12 hours and not sleep a bit. Not even for a minute. Not even for a second. Yes, I promise it's true because I have experienced this not once, but twice, in the past week.

2. Blue Bell's Grooms Cake ice cream is soooooo good. Especially if you eat it for breakfast. The morning that you are supposed to be starting your new post-pregnancy diet. After being up all night. Directly out of the carton. With a fork. Because there are no clean spoons in the house. And there haven't been for several days.

3. It's possible for a 2 year old to try to push his little sister out of her swing, poke her with a screwdriver that his daddy set down for a millisecond, and pull down the wallpaper border in his room all in one day. Er, one morning. Okay, one hour. Yeah, more like 10 minutes.

4. There is nothing more precious than two peanuts in pajamas. Note the evidence directly below.

5. God is faithful. He gives strength to the weary, hope to the hopeless, grace to those who are down-and-out and truly need it, just like me.

Tomorrow we will see the GI in Fort Worth. I'll post tomorrow night on how things go. Thank you so much for your prayers.


  1. This is hysterical. Er... wait... you are hysterical...or maybe you are exhibiting signs of hysteria, which is different. Dad

  2. Thinking of you and praying for you and Camille. Eat all the ice cream you want - you deserve it!

  3. We will be praying for the appointment, wisdom for the doctor, peace for all of you, strength and rest, and for little Camille to sleep, eat, and gain weight! Our love and prayers, Bill and Jill

  4. Praying, praying - let us know how it goes. I LOVE this post - and those two precious kids. ~Kathy & Nathan

  5. you are all in our prayers and thoughts. Love to you all. Judy b.
