Tuesday, October 13, 2009

When it rains...

...it pours. Especially at our house! Both Henry and Camille have Swine Flu. Camille was running a fever Sunday night, but it went away on Monday, so I thought she was okay. She slept a lot yesterday (which allowed me to do some cooking/baking I have been wanting to do during her naps--chocolate chip pumpkin bread, taco soup, trash/chex mix--all Fall-time comfort food, of course!), but she still seemed fine. Then, last night, her fever returned, and she cried like she has never cried before for over 2 hours. Jason and I tried everything to console her, but nothing worked. She has cried inconsolably before, but never quite like this. Usually there is at least a little time where we can calm her, but not last night. We finally got her to sleep about 1:00 a.m., and then she woke up crying again a few hours later. Her fever continued to climb throughout the morning, and then at 11:00 a.m., Jason called to tell me that Henry's school had called, and that he had a fever. Jason went to get Henry, and I called the doctor to get them both in to be seen.

I never assumed it was the flu--neither of them really had any other "flu-like" symptoms other than fever, and they had not been around anyone who had Swine Flu that we knew of. Henry was his usual happy, busy, wild-man self. He wasn't acting sick at all, but he was very flushed, and very warm. I thought he might just have a little virus, or that it was his 2-year molars that are coming in. Camille has low-grade fevers off and on a lot, but this time, since it was getting higher, we thought maybe her button was infected. We made them separate appointments at the doctor because we didn't want to have to take them both in at the same time while Camille was having such a hard time. So Jason took Camille in at 1:00 p.m., and called shortly after that to tell me that she had Swine Flu. She is too little for Tamiflu, and so we just have to let it run its course. The good thing is that we can keep her hydrated with her button, and our doctor went ahead and gave us an antibiotic to prevent a secondary infection. I took Henry in later on in the afternoon, and he has it too. He can take Tamiflu, though, which is good because it works really well with Swine Flu, just not necessarily with Seasonal Flu.

So, after paying out the nose for these 2 prescriptions (they are apparently both "special prescriptions" and so even with our insurance, they were expensive!), we are home and doing okay. Henry seems to feel better already, but Camille is not doing very well. Her fever is still climbing, and she is just burning up. She has also been vomiting, which is concerning.

I'll keep you posted on how they do. Right now, I'm munching on my comfort food (what is it about stress that makes you want to eat and not want to eat, all at the same time?), thanking God for my parents and Danny for their help yet again, loving the extra snuggles from my sweet boy (who does feel bad enough to slow down slightly), and hoping my little girl can catch a break sometime soon. There's bound to be one in her future. She deserves one more than anyone else in the world.


  1. Oh Maggie, I'm so sorry. What a scary thing to deal with for Camille. I will be praying for quick recovery for both her and Henry! We thought Sadie Beth might have it yesterday because she suddenly came down with a really high fever and a few other symptoms - and we'd been exposed to it in the last week. Thankfully, though, it was just an ear infection. Anyways - thinking of and praying for you!
