Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We, two very adorable children, one with a scratch on the nose, the other with a big silly bow, have two very exciting things to tell you.

Did we mention they are two very exciting things? Ready???

No, don't worry. One of them is not that our Mama is pregnant again.

Okay, here goes! The first is that Camille did not have to be admitted to the hospital. Her infection is clearing up!

The second is that Camille ate 5 ounces of formula BY MOUTH FROM A BOTTLE TODAY! Can you tell how proud she is?!

See, told ya! Very exciting! Can we get a Whoo-hoo?! (Or Sic 'Em Bears. That kinda works for this photo too!).


  1. Woohoo! Go Camille!!! So proud of her!!!

  2. Love the pics! You have some pretty babies!!! It's great to hear that you had some good news, and I love that you are celebrating the little things. :)

  3. This is good news! The pictures are very cute. I moved my time on Friday to noon so I can take Henry somewhere fun. I look forward to seeing Cammie and Henner--those are my two names btw--on Friday. I'll take you out to eat if you get finished quickly enough. Love, Beri.

  4. Way to go, Miss Camille! We love you!

  5. So happy to hear this great news! Looks like Camille is proud of herself. She's laughing and smiling and celebrating with big brother, Henry. Thanks be to God and may God bless you and your family.
