Friday, February 5, 2010


We are a house full of sickies once again. Or is is sickos? Sickos sounds too much like psychos, so I'll stick with sickies. Psycho hits just a little too close to home as a descriptor for me right now.

Anyway... Jason, Henry and Camille are all sick, each with their own issues. Henry had pink eye followed by a cough/congestion which has lasted for over a week now. Jason may or may not have the flu. And Camille. Sweet little Ms. I-catch-everything Camille. We are not sure what she has.

Her latest round of the sickies started right after we got home from the Houston genetics visit. She had fever and some congestion, and our pediatrician thought she might have seasonal flu. She took Tamiflu for 5 days, and that seemed to clear that up. Then, she started screaming and flailing (more than usual) when we were feeding her. We were concerned that her g-button might be infected, and it turns out it was.

Our pediatrician originally thought that she had a staph infection in her button, and so he gave her an antibiotic for that while we waited on the culture to come back. However, she started running fever again last night, and it was pretty high, so I took her back into the doctor today. The culture had come back by now and it was not staph, but some sort of other bacterial infection. The pediatrician who saw Camille today (ours is out of town and probably very thankful that he gets to miss the latest round of Camille drama) said that it was a really uncommon form of bacteria that is not seen much (gee, sound familiar for Camille?). He also said that this type of bacteria usually does not respond to oral antibiotics. So, he gave Camille a shot of antibiotics today, will give her another one tomorrow (yes, we have to go back into the doctor on a Saturday), and then if it doesn't respond to those, he will have to admit her to have IV antibiotics. Fun, fun.

Not only does she have that going on, but he also thought that she might have RSV. He is going to check her breathing again tomorrow to see if it is better after we have been giving her breathing treatments today.

We also found out today that Camille's DHEA levels are still really elevated, and have even gone up slightly from before. No one knows exactly what that means still, even after these new rounds of tests, which is exceedingly frustrating to me. Apparently, a lot of Camille's sleep/irritability issues could be caused by her elevated DHEA levels, which means that we would really like to figure out a means of treating this to get her feeling better. We have been up with Camille all night almost every night for the past few weeks as she has had a harder and harder time sleeping.

So, I'll try to update you tomorrow on the latest. You all continue to be such an amazing support to us, and we truly do covet your prayers.


  1. "A really uncommon form of bacteria" - Camille sure can pick 'em, can't she!? Seriously, we'll be praying extra for you today and next week... hang in there! We love you!

  2. you are all in our prayers and we love you guys. judy
